Time Management Tips – 3 Insights To Using Collaboration To Increase Your Priority Power

Time management tips are just as important when you work in tandem with others. But the dynamics can create complications. To make the most of your time, develop your collaborative skills. Keep in mind the following points as you enter into group projects.

When conceptualizing a project with multiple participants, structure the work flow in terms of dependencies. As you do this, your capacity to prioritize effectively will grow. .

A. Collaboration, Dependencies and Efficiency

Perhaps you have encountered the project management term, “dependency” before.

In essence, when a task you share responsibility for requires collaboration, the “dependency” is someone outside of your immediate work group who plays an essential role in your achieving your goals. When you prioritize tasks, dependencies must be factored in and accounted for.

For example, let’s say that you work closely with a few different departments at your job. You need to establish a working budget every quarter, so you look to the finance department to supply you with accurate figures. Because they generally take about a month to assemble and present you with the necessary data, prioritize your request. Therefore, you need to make it well in advance of your due date. This way, you get the data you need with time to spare.

B. When You Are At The Hub Of Others’ Plans

And of course, others depend on you as well.

In one scenario, your daughter needs your help in assembling her costume in the next school performance. In order for her to to succeed, she trusts you to provide essential support. As a result, you prioritize this task very highly indeed! Your love and respect for your child and acknowledgment that she relies on your assistance induces you to schedule the work in right away.

C. The Benefits of Considering Dependencies As You Schedule And Assign Priorities

You gain in any number of ways when your plans include dependencies from the onset.

1. Chances are that your productivity increases with every incremental step forward.

2. The more you think in terms of coordination, the more understanding you develop of the entire working system. In the same way that defensive driving helps you view the traffic patterns more astutely, you’ll find that a holistic overview of your workplace helps you establish more realistic priorities and due dates.

3. Finally, note how staying attuned to others’ needs and time constraints often promotes good will and flow. As you understand others’ priorities, they may in turn relate with more sensitivity to yours. Your time is enhanced, you become more efficient and effective, and general morale increases.

Remember, there are always new ways to develop more productivity while clarifying important relationships.

And to energize and mobilize yourself, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!”

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You’ll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.